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Funniest PV moments

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 1:50 am
by Guest
Hey im just wondering in anyone has any funny PV moments

One time before a meet they asked me my name and i said "Sara" well the guy wrote down "S a r a h"
So i said "No H" and he wrote that down as my last name. It was pretty funny because i had to tell him that No H wasnt my last name but hey it got me a new nickname and my twins "Steph no F"

and accidentally hitting eachother in the heads with the poles are classics..any others?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:20 pm
by vaultinggoat16
I got smeared by a 5yearold that was playing with a crossbar...He swung around to say something and caught me in the side of the head with the end :/. That does not feel good.


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:45 pm
by fong520
my teammate, he held really low on the pole and planted it on the ground and jump like vaulting to work on ur takeoff i guess... well the the tip of the pole slips and he falls flat on his @$$ lol..
one time at a meet at my school.. there was this hot girl, i wanted to say something to her but didnt kno how. wat came out was, "so, you go to huberts" ... she was wearing her jersey adn it had the name of the school on it lol.. i felt sooo stupid
my teammate, the same that fell above, gets hurt alot, and so i guess whenever he falls we kinda make fun of him. hes really cocky casue he got 13 fresh year so i guess its ok lol.
o ya and both these incidents happened inside out gym for indoor.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:54 pm
by rainbowgirl28
One day at practice last year, Coach gave us a workout of 10 pole runs and 10 hills. It's a hill that's maybe 50-60 meters and not that steep.

A guy vaulter on my team and a decathlete were in a hurry, so they wanted to combine the 2 by doing the pole runs up the hill. My coach was kind of annoyed with them and did not feel like arguing, so he told them fine whatever.

They start doing them and on about the 3rd one, the decathlete's pole tip caught on something in the ground and he ATE IT. It was really funny ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:42 pm
by dbulick
Ya, and you guys thought polevaulters were crazy. Just goes to show you there has to be something wrong with you to do 10 events in 2 days.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:29 am
by mcminkz05
yeah, i jus love how when i knock the bar off, it always finds a way to land on my head.. :confused: ouch..
or few days ago at an indoor meet, a herd of distance runners running the 2 mile or soemthign was passing the pv pit, and this kid runs up and does this crazy low sideways plant, falls on his a$$ he pole shoots off to the side, towards the track and the distance guys.. Lol, who says distance guys have no speed.. shouldda seen how fast they scattered. amazingly nobody was hit and pole jus flew into the bleachers on the other side of the track.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:31 pm
by ashcraftpv
one of the guys i vaulted with in high school was doing pole runs and the tip was loose on his pole. This was also on an asphalt track on a very hot day. He slammed his plant down real hard and the tip came off. The pole bounced up off the track and the now tip-less end of the pole came back down and dug into the track! he got a full bend out of the pole, his top hand came off and he got spanked really hard across the chest before landing on his a**. The pole went flying about 20 feet in the air too. priceless :yes:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:29 pm
by Aviendha
there's a lot of funny stuff that goes on at my pv practices....but it would be impossible to explain most of them....

one thing i thought was kind of funny...there's this one guy who loves picking on one of the other girl vaulters (she asks for it, honestly. if the guys didn't give her so much s***, i would) so she whines "why dont you pick on jamie?" the guy looks over at me with this scared look on his face and says "she'll hit me!" :P lol...another incident, she says about the same thing, so he walks over to where i'm stretching, and i just kind of look at him...he stops in his tracks, then turns around and walks away. ^_^ i'm really not an evil person....but this guy knows that i won't put up with any of that from him lol....i'm a bit of a smart@ss lol O:-)

and then theres the conversations i have with non-polevaulters...telling them about "buttplugs" and the sayings like "just put the pole in the hole and penetrate the pit", "polevaulters stick it in, bend, and turn over." thats started some interesting conversations....especially after discussing the fact that some colleges offer pornography as a class :dazed:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:03 pm
by Axe
When i was first learning how to bend the pole... I bent it backwords and ended up racking my self on the pole. Man does that hurt.

But the funniest thing i've seen is on One of Jan's tapes. I think its the fourth one. A guy goes up to vault and ends up getting thrown backwards about twenty feet.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:16 pm
by vaultguru6
Axe wrote:When i was first learning how to bend the pole... I bent it backwords and ended up racking my self on the pole. Man does that hurt.

But the funniest thing i've seen is on One of Jan's tapes. I think its the fourth one. A guy goes up to vault and ends up getting thrown backwards about twenty feet.

Haha.....yea, john besmer's infamous crash. he's always had a big penoltumin sp? and this time somehow either managed to catch his shoe lace or his spike on the track just as his last left is coming past his right leg. he falls straight forward and the pole hits the back of the box and he holds on for dear life. He ends up getting a full bend, holding onto the pole while directly over the box and paralell to the ground and 3 feet off it. He keeps holding and the pole shoots him stright back 20 or 30 feet.

Saw Toby come close to the same thing......he hit a take off step way wrong, just sank, and ended up in the same position as besmer: back paralell to the ground, 3 feet above the box, 130 degree bend in the pole. But instead of holding on toby lets go, falls 3 feet to the ground and actually catches some pit. He stands up, looks around, asks what happened and where his pole is, and 5 seconds later someone in the crowd yells "Heads Up!!!" as the pole lands right next to him after its 100 foot flight straight up in the air. Wow, hilarious......

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:21 pm
by dbulick
We had a similar thing happen last year, Chad Walters tripped on his last step, but still planted. Pole bent fully with his legs dragging on the ground. It shot him back a good 20 feet, and he just ran it off. It was the most impressive thing I have ever seen.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 8:06 pm
by OUvaulterUSAF
Back at OU in days of the old Myriad wooden runway, we used to jump on it without any rubber runway surface. So it was just painted wood. Well it was a little slippery and one of my teammates slipped on his heal at the plant. Looked like he slid into second. Well the pole bent and popped out of his hand and stuck in the insulated ceiling of the Myriad. They had to get a lift to pull it out.