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Trouble Getting Hip Up In Inversion

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:50 pm
by JackBetbeze
Hey guys,
So I have an issue with my inversion. When I swing up, my feet go straight up but then when I finish the jump they expand outward towards the backside of the pit and not upward. After watching myself on video, it looks like I'm not getting my hips up towards my top hand and it also kinda looks like my head isn't going back.

Honestly this is all self speculation. I don't even have a coach, I just have another really good HS vaulter teaching me lol.

Here's a video of me vaulting:

Is it my hips that are keeping me from inverting correctly? If so, how can I fix them? And are there any other things hindering me from a better jump?

Give the video a look and let me know what I can do to get better!

Re: Trouble Getting Hip Up In Inversion

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:21 pm
by Cat lady
One quick trick you can try:
Once you leave the ground, try to touch your left shin to the pole under your top hand, then pop your hips staying close to the pole.
Try it.
You could also endeavor to improve the quality of your video. It looks like you're being filmed from across town.

Re: Trouble Getting Hip Up In Inversion

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:15 pm
by grandevaulter
You pull your sweep leg in immediately after takeoff. There are few tricks to remedy, only drills to reinforce solid mechanics. Buy the book "from beginner to Bubka". Available on the pole vault power store.

Re: Trouble Getting Hip Up In Inversion

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:10 pm
by cspar
[quote="Cat lady"]
Once you leave the ground, try to touch your left shin to the pole under your top hand, then pop your hips staying close to the pole.
Try it.

I like what Cat Lady is saying, your hips aren't in too bad of a position at rockback but you are shooting out towards the pit as opposed to driving up the pole. It comes down to having the strength to invert tight to the pole and the mental ability to be comfortable dropping your shoulders and getting fully upside down. You look athletic enough that you should have the strength but it is tough getting comfortable being fully inverted. At first you will feel like you are just going to fall back in the box but eventually it will becomes second nature. I would work on small 3-step drills to build your confidence up with it.

Another issue I see is that you are blocking your swing with your front arm. You have to be more flexible with that front shoulder and let that front arm come back near your head. This will give you a more powerful swing and allow you to create better hip height prior to inversion. I would also try to get your step closer to where it should be but you can still achieve a better take-off position while still being inside on the take-off. (starting at 1:22, watch the vaulter in the purple shirt at take-off. He does a great job of letting that front arm come all the way back to his head at take-off.)

Re: Trouble Getting Hip Up In Inversion

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:07 am
by burnhamj
These are all great tips to improve your swing. You are in good plant position however another thing you should try is move your step back at least a foot! You are in a good position at the plant, but the pole is already really bent before you even leave the ground. When you do this, the pole rips you off the ground and it is hard to get a fast whipping motion with your legs to get inverted.

If you watch Bubka's free takeoff in a few of his jumps, the free space allows him to come over his takeoff and whip your leg through much faster. Personally, when I have (get close) to a takeoff, the swing comes so easily and I don't even have to worry about getting inverted! Additionally, if you want to improve as a vaulter and make it to the next level, you are going to have to work on this eventually. Hope this helps and best of luck to you!!

Run Tall, Hit Tall

Re: Trouble Getting Hip Up In Inversion

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:32 pm
by KirkB
I love Burnham's reply! :heart:

As the late Alan Launder (aka Altius) would say, you're "spot on"! :yes:
