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Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:07 pm
by bahoola
:D hey, Ive just started training about tree weeks ago just going off of making up workouts.... bascily for running I am doing 10 x 100's on tuesday & 6 x 100's uphill on thursday, along with lifting and pole work on monday wednesday and friday...

I am looking towards getting my speed up fast and am hoping to improve my hundred by close to a second by track season... what type of speed training and lifting program should I be on?... any specific types of workouts?? uphills/ downhill, or what??? - definitely look for something that is going to be efficient

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:51 pm
by VTechVaulter
Depends on what your focus is.

Seeing as nobodies season starts a couple months minimum, theres no hurry to get into speed. Spend time running some 200's, 150s etc. Build a good base up. As november and december come, if your indoor season starts in januray, that would be a good time to do more 100s, 50s pole runs. Also look into something called overspeed training. Things to teach your nervous system to act quickly.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:03 pm
by lonestar
Agree with VTechVaulter

After spending some time on speed endurance - 100m-200m, then you can look at speed work. Speed is actually anything 60 meters and under - you won't get faster running 100's, but you'll get more speed endurance. 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's from standing or flying starts at 100% will make you faster, and possible some of those distances on gradual hills for resistance, and very slight downhills for overspeed.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:56 pm
by vault3rb0y
If you know any form-running exercises, keep up with those as well. High knees, A-skips, B-skips, fast legs will build your speed. But like others are saying, this is a good time to build a base. You want to build speed endurance so that in coming months you dont get as tired doing these sprints. It might also be a good time to get some light leg lifts in, just tone and strengthen those muscles a bit before your running workout. Currently i will just do leg press 3 sets of 10, leg curl 2 sets 10, leg extension 2 X 10, and calf presses 3 sets of 30. Just twice a week, plus some 400's, 200's, and 100's.

You will have plenty of time to build your speed once the season starts. What you might want to focus on right now is gaining the ingredients to speed- like strength, form, and endurance. Then once the season roles around, and you jump into serious speed training, you will be less prone to injuries and be ready to run much faster. Good luck :yes:


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:36 pm
by baggettpv
I am posting our workouts on a blog on for this year. The dynamic warmups are at also. Strenght and Technique training to follow at

Rick Baggett

Re: Workouts

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:47 pm
by OUvaulterUSAF
baggettpv wrote:I am posting our workouts on a blog on for this year. The dynamic warmups are at also. Strenght and Technique training to follow at

Rick Baggett

awesome-O, since I go week to week without a solid plan.

Re: Workouts

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:06 pm
by master
baggettpv wrote:I am posting our workouts on a blog on for this year. The dynamic warmups are at also. Strenght and Technique training to follow at

Rick Baggett

Do I need to have an account on MySpace to access the workout description on your blog?

- master

Speed training

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:11 pm
by trackicon
My friend gave me this program to work with. He's ran 10.21 in College and he was only like 11.6 runner in High school. Also since I've been doing these workouts for the last 2 months I've dropped my 40 to 4.45 and my 100 to 10.7

For acceleration: 0-30 meters of running, usually 6-12 reps depending on distace and type of resistance
-hills runs
-laying down starts, 3 point starts
-bungee, sled, light harness, tire pull, etc. runs
-60,90m ins/outs [20m-100%, 20m-80% (hold speed, relax, proper form) 20m-100%]
-Plyometrics, jumping
--you can Use a timed 40yd dash to measure progress

For Top Speed: 30-60 meters of running, usually 4-8 reps depending on athletes conditioning
-rolling starts (start 15-30m behing starting point to gain momentum)
-standing starts at distances between 40m-60m
-Core training
--you can use a timed standing 50-60m run to test or a flying 40-60m run to measure progress

Sample workouts:
day 1: 8x30m accels up a slight hill, plyometrics
day 2; 10x100m (tempo 65-80%), drills,form/technique
day 3: 6x30m rolling start, core training
day 4: 10x100m (tempo 65-80%), drills, form/technique
day 5: 6x50m standing start

day 1: 4x30m from 3pt stance, 4x60m ins/outs
day 2: 8x200m (tempo 65-80%)
day 3: 6x40m rolling start, core training
day 4: 10x100, 8x80, 6x60, 4x40, 2x20 (tempo 65-80%) back and forth strides
day 5: 4x60 standing start

-separate accel, speed and endurance workouts
-I usually alterante easy (technique) day with hard speed/ plyo work
-make sure athlete gets plenty of rest and recovery time when doing speed workouts
-start with shorter reps and distances if athlete is inexperienced
-work on developing acceleration first, then speed and speed endurance, endurance etc.
-If athlete does running events, eventually add faster runs of 80m and up. Consistant long runs will effect speed though.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:15 pm
by vaulter870
thats a very interesting shedual. is it only rotated every week? or is there more weeks put into there? it would be a good routine but seams to not have alot of longer tempo runs. only the 200 m every other week. it is very similar to what i have done in the past and it is very effective

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:23 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Is this the right time of year to do that program? It seems like something one would want to do closer to competition season.

Re: Workouts

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:30 pm
by rainbowgirl28
master wrote:
baggettpv wrote:I am posting our workouts on a blog on for this year. The dynamic warmups are at also. Strenght and Technique training to follow at

Rick Baggett

Do I need to have an account on MySpace to access the workout description on your blog?

- master

I logged out and tried to access it, and it appears that you have to be a Myspace member and then add Rick as a friend to access the blog.


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:43 pm
by baggettpv
Ok all, how do I make it open to anyone? Please advise....

Rick Baggett