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Next 20 footer?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:18 am
by tim hutzley
Who do you think could possibly be the next 20 footer?

Today I was talking about it with my coach and he thinks it will be Lo Jo
but I think It'll be Toby Stevenson, he's got awesome form and he runs like 32.5 feet a second. Im pretty sure thats as fast as Bubka ran when he set the WR.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:42 am
by bjvando
I personally dont see any of our "elite" guys right now jumping it. I think it will be one of our "younger" guys. some college vaulters could possibly get it, but im convinced that none of our current elite vaulters will.

any other thoughs..?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:38 am
by zack
Lojo could've if he didn't try to be a bodybuilder. Jeremy Scott can grip 17' its probably just a matter of technique for him. Walker maybe if he can improve his run a little. I would say Skipper has the most physical ability of any of the young guys right now but again its about TECHNIQUE.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:50 am
LoJo is toast, he has to many injuries and not good enough technique... he had the talent for sure though.
I dont see stevenson going 20...
Skipper if his technique becomes much better also walker and scott..
Maybe a better question would be who will be the next 6m guy? I think Bubkas 20ft will be a bob beaman like mark (long jump) in the pole vault, we will have to wait a while to see.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:03 am
by vaultmd
I just got back from Jonesboro and there are a lot of things to tell (and not to tell), but one I think is pertinent here. I had just gotten back from an errand in town to see Derek clear 18'9". Since both he and Jeff do that fairly often, I couldn't figure out why everyone at that end of the building was so excited about the clearance. Then I realized he was running from 5 lefts.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:09 am
by zack
Wilson do you think he can translate that into jumping higher from a full approach?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:18 am
by tim hutzley
Toby might not go 20 but I think he could get 6m as long as there are no injuries. same for Walker Skipper and Scott. Thats just what I think though. I am kinda starting to think that Hartwig Is going down He doesent seem like he's been doing that great so far.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:44 am
by swtvault
No one will jump 20 any day soon. We need a guy running 9.8m/s+ with great technique, and a 16'9 grip! I don't believe there is anyone even close to that category right now. I actually think Toby is more in the 9.2-9.3 range. He is fast, but not quite fast enough to jump REALLY high........YET (PVPHD could probably give us more info.) The fact of the matter is many of our elites are becoming too old to really push that mark over 20'. If you look at the jumpers over 5.90, most of them are reaching up to their late 20's and early 30's. I know that there are a few great young guys (Walker, Gibilisco, Scott; to name a few.) But I really dont see it happening any time soon.


Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 4:21 am
by dubjones
Just a note to say that Hartwig isn't out of the race yet. He jumped 5.87 ?indoors this year, after a knee surgery, and the trials aren't until July. I still think he has the best shot of any American.
The 20ft. barrier was hard enough for Bubka to break with 3' pegs.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:49 am
by achtungpv
It definitely won't be an american! Most americans are too caught up in the mindset that 19' is world class and, except for a few, have too much of a late start to challenge such a high height. Almost every american jumping over 19' in the past few years has had too late of a start. 19' isn't even in the ballpark with 6.00/20'.

A few years ago, I looked at all the 5.90+ vaulters in history. Of the approximately 30 vaulters at the time, all but 3 cleared 5.80 before age 23...2 at 24, 1 at 27 (if I remember correctly). All the 6.00+ guys, except one (guess who) cleared 5.80 before age 23. Also, all but 5 or so, cleared 5.90 before age 25.

I don't care what anyone says, if you want to jump 6.00+, you have to jump very high, very young. Of course, there'll be exceptions like Hartwig, but for the vast majority that rule will hold.

Of the americans, Skipper and Scott have the best shot. Skipper seems to have the right mentality and Scott has the tools. Can't wait to see them both for the first time on Saturday!

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:47 am
by pvpaul7
Well didnt Tarasov jump 19 feet when he was 19? if so then i believe its a matter of coaching as well as a phenomenal athlete, mixed in with the right conditions... just my thoughts

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:50 pm
by KentStatePV
vaultmd wrote:I just got back from Jonesboro and there are a lot of things to tell (and not to tell), but one I think is pertinent here. I had just gotten back from an errand in town to see Derek clear 18'9". Since both he and Jeff do that fairly often, I couldn't figure out why everyone at that end of the building was so excited about the clearance. Then I realized he was running from 5 lefts.

I was down in Jonesboro with Wilson to see this as well. If its going to be an American that does it, you can count on it being one of the triple threat at Bell Athletics of Jeff Hartwig, Jeremy Scott, or Derek Miles that gets 20' next in the US at least.

I've never seen Skipper before live, how tall is he? I cant tell from the clips ive seen of him at NCAA's.