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Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:27 am
by 30yrs-coaching
A great article in Rochester paper, I was waiting and finally it looks like the truth has come out. Stuczynski and Suhr have contributed so much to American pole vaulting in the last 4 years. Looks like a lot of people had this one way wrong, looks like two people achieved greatness and alot of other people were either jealous or tried to take it away. Congrats to Jenn and Rick and hopefully they remember that people are more likely to post negative comments than positive comments. There are a lot of people out there cheering for you guys!

Here is the link to the article... ... NTCAROUSEL

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:06 pm
by mtsky
I agree. People were so quick to judge. It ashame that we can not congradulate those who succeed. Rick and Jenn have acheived a great deal, and we should be congradulating them not putting everything under a microscope.

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:05 pm
by samwhisky
It's great to see something positive coming from the media regarding Stuczynski & Suhr! It might be late but it's better than nothing! She's a dominant force in the event and he's helped guide her... I'd like to see the pole vault fans be a little more supportive of our own.
Congratulations Jenn & Rick!

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:38 pm
by Bubba PV
I was going to make a comment at the time but held back for the flaming I would certainly receive, but here goes. Jenn is probably 85% of where she's going and Issy may be 95%+. Not just in vaulting experience but in vaulting with big meet experience. She’s done a heckuva great job stepping up.

It takes a strong coach/athlete bond to excel. You have to walk the tight wire of encouragement, motivation and criticism. I think Jenn and Rick clearly demonstrate they understand that dynamic. My money is on them long term, maybe even first to 5.20m.

BTW – I think Issy is incredible but I got a little tired of hearing how she has no competition and has to sit around so long before jumping. Never heard that from Bubka. Sergey was motivated and driven by his goals with no regard for other vaulters. Heck – I’m 55 – who’s driving me to train 20+ hours a week for no recognition? ME!! Jenn has that internal drive and Rick is teaming with her to get the best out of her abilities and potential. I’m damn proud of what they have accomplished!! All the best to them!! Bubba

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:09 pm
by Bubba PV
I meant to start my last post reminding everyone that Bobby Kersee used to SCREAM at his wife, Jackie Joyner Kersee, on camera, at nearly every meet. Where was the outcry then. There's rarely bad crying on the top step of the podium. I think that's where we will be seeing Jenn for quite some time. Bubba

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:58 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Bubba PV wrote: but I got a little tired of hearing how she has no competition and has to sit around so long before jumping. Never heard that from Bubka.

You've never spoken to Rick Suhr! He complains about that every (US) Championship too, but maybe he is just copying Isi's lead.

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:26 am
by Bubba PV
Very good point Becca. I remember that now, but hey Rick, "welcome to the top".

I was mainly referring to the "I have no competition" statements Issy always makes. Obviously when she says that it's true but do you need or want to voice that? If I were in the position I would be more concerned with my own goals, not to mention not wanting to fire up others. Brad Walker has been, and continues to be just phenomenal, but he wasn't the most feared guy four years ago. Others will rise to meet and pass Issy at some point and I think the odds are pretty good that it can be Jenn first. Bubba

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:15 pm
by mitchg
Jenn is a great athlete. I think Suhr takes way too much credit for her success. What other "A" or "B" standard athletes has he coached? He says NBC "spun" the story? Bottom line, he was mic'ed and knew he was going to be in the public eye. He burned himself. Just my $.02...

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:34 pm
by rainbowgirl28
mitchg wrote:Jenn is a great athlete. I think Suhr takes way too much credit for her success. What other "A" or "B" standard athletes has he coached? He says NBC "spun" the story? Bottom line, he was mic'ed and knew he was going to be in the public eye. He burned himself. Just my $.02...

It's not like she's ever had another coach. He recruited her to the sport, coached her from day 1 and made sacrifices in his personal life to help her get here. It's not like he's a college coach that got a 17' HS boy to 18' (which is no easy task for most!). Jenn is a big girl. She feels like he deserves a share of the spotlight. We might not agree with it and most of us would not do the same in their situation, but it's not like anyone besides Jenn and Rick can take credit for her. If she wants to give him credit and a share of the spotlight, it's ultimately her business.

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:26 am
by polevault14
[quote="mitchg"]Jenn is a great athlete. I think Suhr takes way too much credit for her success. What other "A" or "B" standard athletes has he coached?

I would have to refer you to Rick Suhr's website, as far as another "A or B" athlete, There was Dave Fritz, Adam Steinwell, Dan Tierney, Robin, Renee Evans, Jen O'Neil, Mary Saxer and Tiffany Maskulinski, state, national record holders and two of the three only high school girls who jumped over 14' and you can Google anyone of their names and read numerous articles on them.....

In addition, Rick, ( Jessica and the 2 boys) took years and with great personal sacrifice to develop a training program which does make great jumpers....

It took years of development to make something that works so well for Jenn, and it is his eye for adjustments that makes it work.... As Rick always preached to all his athletes, "It is the athletes that came before you, that allows you to have the knowledge you have and "DON"T ever lose site of that fact!" If you could not accept that philosophy in the house you were out, since it is their achievements and failures that we learned from and you need to appreciate their work.

Having being part of Rick's program and have first hand knowledge on how it came to such great accomplishment s Rick has the right to be given credit (especially Jess and the boys)and all the other coaches and athletes involved in perfecting the Rick Suhr need to understand it takes more than just athletic ability to make a World Class Athlete..... Rick, and all the other coaches and athletes at the time took a person, who never attempted the vault (and it was pretty painful to watch at first) who had great athletic ability took the time and effort to start the process of molding her into a jumper….. To be there on a day-to-day basis as an observer (and I mean day-to-day because we were together 4 to 6 days a week without competition days) was fascinating to watch Rick work.....

So Rick and the rest of the gang, "Hats Off to You" from someone who was there…and knows the rest of the story.....

Thanks for the memories and the sport of pool-vaulting!

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:59 am
by VTechVaulter
those are not A or B athletes.... well mary may have been a B... i dont recall the womens B off hand

Personally, i think it says a lot about a coach when his athletes never seem to do anything after working with him. How many of his H.S. athletes went on to have successful college careers. He doesn't set them up to grow. This is also why he has to go with Jenn to EVERY SINGLE MEET she attends. Says a lot for his dedication yes.. but makes you wonder.

Re: Suhr - Stuczynski Speak

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:00 am
by Bubba PV
As someone who has worked with many elite athletes, credit is given, never taken. A coach who takes credit shouldn't be a coach because it is NEVER about you. I don't see Rick taking credit, I see it being given to him, and deservedly so. Besides, I have learned more from the vaulters I have worked with than I have ever been able to return. Bubba